Customer Reviews
Author: Concepción Cabrera de Armida (Conchita)
Copyright: 2017
First Printed: 06-15-2017
Conchita gives a vast itinerary of spiritual experience and reflection containing very practical guidance for daily life. This book will help the reader open mind and heart to the inspiration, workings, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Paraclete empowers us to be evangelizers and missionary disciples of the risen Lord. Despite our diversity of cultures, languages, and backgrounds the Holy Spirit brings all of us into unity and communion under the Petrine ministry of the Holy Father.
"It is providential that in this moment of history the book "Open to the Spirit", excerpted from the book "Come, O Holy Spirit!," written by Concepción Cabrera de Armida, who was in love with the Holy Spirit, be offered to all Christians. But above all, Concepción Cabrera, moved by the very Spirit, lived a deep spirituality that permeated her life of wife, mother of nine children, and apostle. And thus she contributed with her own spirituality to the building up of our beloved Church. As we read through this book, Conchita alerts us “the Holy Spirit is not loved, nor honored”, and she cries out “He is hardly known!” We are impressed by the propitious timing of her words." Miguel and Carmen Ramírez, Coordinators of the Pastoral Team of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement in the Archdiocese of Mexico
“It is time that the Holy Spirit reign in every heart and in all the arteries of the Church. Only thus will Love flower and the world be transformed. No one will be poor with the divine richness of the Holy Spirit. The Father and Jesus will be pleased with this life-giving and vibrant renewal of the entire universe. Be open to the Holy Spirit who renews our minds and hearts!” Concepción Cabrera de Armida (Conchita)
Book: 160 pages
ISBN: 978-0-8189-1402-7
Prod Code: 1402-7