Customer Reviews

Author: Fulton J. Sheen
Copyright: 2003
First Printed: 11-25-2003
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"The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” Amazing as that is – and it is truly amazing! – perhaps even more amazing is the fact that the Word continues to dwell among us today, no longer in His Physical but in His Mystical Body, the Church. Object of love or hate, admiration or hostility, like Jesus Himself the Church is a sign of contradiction. In confrontation with the Church the thoughts of many hearts are laid bare. This work catalogs the weaknesses and the strengths of this human/divine institution that has weathered the storms of twenty centuries and keeps on fulfilling its mission in the world in spite of the scandals, defections and sins of its members, which have marred its existence from the very beginning. In his inimitable style Bishop Sheen shares with us his unwavering love for the Church notwithstanding all of this, and his reasons for it. Built on the rock-solid faith of St. Peter and the promise of Jesus that the gates of hell would not prevail against it, the Church continues to nourish, protect and lead the members of Christ’s Mystical Body to their eternal home in heaven. Delivered in 1950 against the backdrop of the Church’s ongoing struggle against Communism, these talks show how the Successor of Peter in the papacy continues to face the power of totalitarianism in our day and age as Peter did in his with the only instruments at his disposal, the love and forgiveness of the Lord.
About the Author: The Second World War had ended with the division of Europe and the establishment of the “Iron Curtain” between the Soviet Union and the West. The Cold War that ensued was to last for nearly half a century. Fulton J. Sheen (1895-1979) by then a Monsignor, was teaching at the Catholic University of America at the time and had already gained a reputation as the Church’s principal apologist in the United States when these radio talks were given on the Catholic Hour as part of a series sponsored by the National Council of Catholic Men for the Holy Year 1950.
Book: 156 pages
ISBN: 978-0-8189-0952-8
Prod. Code: 0952-8
"The Rock Plunged Into Eternity: After twenty centuries, the work of the Church continues unabated, come scandal, schism or socialism. In this series of radio adresses in 1950, after the World War II had ended and Europe was divided by capitalism and communism, Sheen discusses the people who -- whether they know it or not -- are looking for the Truth that can only be gotten from God. And the way to prevail, he says, is to have faith and love like Mary and Peter. The Church -- built on the rock-like faith of St. Peter -- continues to nourish and protect those who believe, and God saves a place for them in Heaven. One of three new books offering to modern readers -- especially those who have never been exposed to Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen -- a compilation of some of his wonderful and touching words from the Catholic Hour radio addresses. Other titles include The Prodigal World and You." --Crux of the News, March 1, 2004