Stages of Formation
This program is for men who are seriously considering becoming Brothers or Priests in the Society. It offers a man the opportunity to experience the prayer life, community life and the apostolic dimension of the community. Another aspect of this program is to allow the individual a sufficient time period in which he can discern his vocation intentions.
Postlancy is the stage to becoming a Pauline Brother or Priest. This time allows the candidate to become gradually oriented into the ministry and community life of the Society.
The Novitiate Program lasts for one year and is dedicated to religious, spiritual and apostolic formation. It is a period of time in which the novice deepens his spiritual life and is introduced to the Pauline Charism. Here will grow in knowledge of our vows of Poverty, Chastity, Obedience and Fidelity to the Pope. The candidate will study Sacred Scripture and the Constitution of the Congregation.
The Juniorate is a six-year period during which the professed member renews his vows annually. This formation period can take place in any of the communities of the Society. Depending on his talents and previous college courses (if any), his scholastic courses can range from a minimum of two years of college to graduate studies. The Society utilizes nearby colleges, universities and seminaries for academic and theological studies and training.
Having received the Holy Orders or professed Final Vows, the Pauline Priest or Brother continues his never-ending task of on-going formation.
The Pauline is in constant spiritual renewal in his personal life. He continues to develop his academic training and to seek to learn new technological methods and skills which will enable him to be an effective minister of the gospel.