Customer Reviews
Genesis and Structure of the Way of "Spiritual Childhood" of St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Author: Conrad De Meester, O.C.D.
Translated by: Susan Conroy
Preface by: Bishop Patrick V. Ahern
Copyright: 1998
First Printed: 12-08-1998
Reprints: 2002
“In September of 1995, Father Conrad De Meester, an old friend, sent me a copy of his thoroughgoing study of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, Dynamique de la Confiance. It took me six months to read it, slowly, a little bit at a time. I have the habit of writing the date when I finish a book on the title page, with a comment recording my impression of it. On the title page of this book I wrote simply: ‘This is a masterpiece.’” Thus begins New York’s Auxiliary Bishop Patrick V. Ahern’s Preface to this classic work by one of the world’s most respected experts on the life and teaching of this latest Doctor of the Church, Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. The men and women of today, often disheartened by worry and discouragement, will be reminded by the “Little Flower” that daily life with all its ups and downs can become a marvelous springboard to sanctity. Her “way of spiritual childhood” is nothing less than “the translation of the evangelical ideal providentially offered to the modern world” (Yves Congar). But how did she come to such a profound yet simple insight into the secret of the way to God’s heart, and thus to eternal happiness with Him in Heaven? This book retraces the itinerary that led Thérèse to her great discovery and beyond; it enters into her simple and surprising psychology, and relives with her the gradual blossoming of her conviction. Between God and Thérèse, conscious of her own incompleteness, it is confidence which, finally, bridges the gap. Confidence and love. Once we understand this, we shall see that there is great power in utter confidence in God and love for Him. A close and careful reading of The Power of Confidence will show us how and why this is true for everyone.
About the Author: Father Conrad De Meester, OCD, a Carmelite priest from Louvain, Belgium, is the author of numerous works on the spiritual masters of Carmel: Thérèse of Lisieux, Lawrence of the Resurrection, and Elizabeth of the Trinity. In particular, it was he who compiled the critical edition of the Complete Works of Elizabeth of the Trinity for Les Editions du Cerf. He has two titles to his name published in English: With Empty Hands: The Message of Thérèse of Lisieux (St. Paul Publications Australia, 1982) and St. Thérèse of Lisieux: Her Life, Times and Teachings (ICS Publications, Washington, DC, 1997). The Power of Confidence is a revised and updated edition of the masterpiece which won him his well-deserved reputation when it was first published as a doctoral dissertation.
Book: 443 pages
ISBN-10: 0-8189-0819-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-8189-0819-4
Prod. Code: 0819-X
"Another book about Thérèse of Lisieux? Yes, The Power of Confidence is Susan Conroy's translation of Conrad De Meester's Dynamique de la Confiance in its second updated edition. De Meester's original doctoral thesis, published in 1969, has been revised and reissued in 1998 with references redone according to the integral critical edition of herComplete Works and also in light of the wealth of new information that has emerged since 1969. Although the genre is scholarly and methodical, the book is as fascinating as a good mystery. The table of contents is clear and descriptive, allowing the reader to dip into sections of particular interest. In this respect, the book is much like a reference book. The reader who gets bogged down in the early exegetical details can skip ahead to the middle of the book for an inspiring vista of where the disciplined exegesis is heading. If anyone has wondered why Thérèse has been declared a doctor of the Church, this book demonstrates how her 'little doctrine' is 'a theological teaching solidly grounded in the nature of God.' De Meester makes Thérèse's teaching more accessible to modern readers by explaining the contexts in which her vocabulary and spiritual doctrine developed. Most interesting is his patient tracking down of the exact timing of the crystallization and articulation of her doctrine of 'the little way' of spiritual childhood. De Meester's point is that confidence is the dynamic core of Thérèse's life and teaching. It is a real energy and dynamo for her in her progress toward her goal. He shows how confidence became the heart of her doctrine, and how she was finally able to articulate it for others at the end of her life. We read hundreds of books in a lifetime, but only a few are milestones that we never forget. This is one of those few books that can change one's life." --Monica Burt, OCSO, Mt. St. Mary's Abbey in Cistercian Studies Quarterly, 35.2 (2000)
Help in traveling saintly pathways: The Power of Confidence: Genesis and Structure of the "Way of Spiritual Childhood", by Belgian Carmelite scholar, Fr. Conrad De Meester, OCD (Louvain, Belgium), translated by Susan Conroy; with Preface by New York Auxiliary Bishop Patrick Ahern. The book is a revised and updated edition of Fr. De Meester's doctoral dissertation (called a "masterpiece" by Bishop Ahern), with careful annotated commentary. Among concepts covered: Little Flower's experience and teaching on life's ups and downs as a springboard to sanctity; and the relationship between confidence in God and love of God. A scholarly work." --Crux of the News, March 22, 1999
"In his study of the 'little way,' originally a doctoral dissertation that has been revised, updated, and finely translated into English under the title of The Power of Confidence, we have the masterpiece of one who is a renowned authority on the youngest Doctor of the Church. Discalced Carmelite Father Conrad de Meester traces the genesis and structure of Thérèse's way of spiritual childhood with the precision, delicacy, patience, wonder, and delight of a botanist, all transferred to the theological plane.... It is the charm and freshness of this very little flower that Father de Meester has recreated in his study. It delights, it invites our emulation." -- Sr. Mary Thomas Noble, O.P. in theNational Catholic Register, February 28 - March 6, 1999
"In many cases, it would be considered a dubious recommendation to say that a book of spiritual reading was originally published as a doctoral dissertation. In this case, however, that assumption would be dead wrong. As one might expect, this examination of St. Thérèse's idea of "spiritual childhood" is unusually thorough and detailed, offering information for even the most knowledgeable reader of Thérèse. Careful footnotes give further help in situating and elaborating on the text. The Power of Confidence, however, is no dry, dusty tome. Conrad De Meester immerses himself not only in the mind, but in the heart, of St. Thérèse, and his delight in the subject matter shines through his engaging writing style. Anyone who has come to admire Thérèse will be enlightened and inspired by this thoughtful exploration of her work and its context in her life. This volume would be a great asset to the library of any congregation, church, or school." -- Spiritual Book News, March 1999