Customer Reviews

Prayer of Desire
Author: Celia Wolf-Devine
Copyright: 2009
First Printed: 12-11-2008
Rich in Details and comprehensive in its approach, The Heart Transformed: Prayer of Desire maintains a sustained focus on the Lord indicating a large variety of ways in which the reader can enter into a deeper relationship with God through private prayer. The tone is consistently gentle, encouraging and inviting, evoking a prayerful mood without being gimmicky or saccharine. The focus is on a flexible approach that takes its lead from the desire to draw closer work in the soul. This prayer of the heart can go on ceaselessly even when we are asleep. It carries us out of ourselves and leads to a kind of surrender and death to self that opens us to a new life in God following the lead of St. Augustine who said, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.” Our receptivity to God’s work in us is key to our spiritual growth and sanctification. This work points the ways.
About the Author: Recently retired from her position as a philosophy professor at Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts, Celia Wolf-Devine has written of her conversion from the Episcopal Church to Roman Catholicism in the book The New Catholics edited by Dan O’Neill for Crossroad Publishing House. Her prayerful familiarity with Catholic authors and her use of their various approaches to life and prayer is enhanced by her contacts with those outside the Church who are searching for the faith which she has found and enthusiastically embraced. All with benefit from her practical and effective approach to the transformation of the heart through the prayer of desire into that for which God made it.
Book: 253 pages
ISBN-10: 0-8189-1287-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-8189-1287-0
Prod. Code: 1287-1