Vocation Director - Society of St.Paul, USA

Brother Peter Lyne, SSP is currently the National Vocation Director for the Society of St. Paul in the United States.  In his 50 years as a Pauline brother, he has served mainly in the ministry of promotion of St. Pauls – (Alba House) Books.  Brother’s ministry of book promotion brought him to numerous parts of the United States to Catholic high schools, colleges and universities.  He has participated in many events and conferences such as the (NCEA) – National Catholic Education Association and similar events.


This is Brother Peter’s second time around as vocation director.  He was vocation minister from 1984 to 1996.


Brother Peter often says “I’ve had the privilege to sit, listen, and learn from the great minds of principals and professors in Catholic education.  At the same time, I’ve had the opportunity to be in the company of many pastors and priests of parishes who are great spiritual giants.  Ministering to the needs of the people of God through our parish book exhibits has also been extremely fulfilling for me."


Vocation ministry is a holy place to be.  Moreover, it is a privileged, learning and blessed apostolic experience.


For Information, write: 
Vocations OfficeSociety of St. Paul
2187 Victory Blvd
Staten Island, 
N.Y. 10314-6603

Or Call:  (718) 761-0047

