Customer Reviews

Mass Request
For over a century now, the Holy Mass has been celebrated by the Society of St. Paul (SSP) comprising priests and religious brothers, thanks to Blessed Father James (Giacomo) Alberione, Founder of the Society of St. Paul and the Pauline Family, in Italy. Today, the SSP is present in over 30 countries around the world. In the United States, there are two SSP communities: one located at 2187 Victory Blvd., Staten Island, New York 10314; and another located at 9531 Akron-Canfield Road, Canfield, Ohio 44406.
Having a Mass said for the needs of a specific person, for a special intention, or in thanksgiving has a long history in the Catholic Church.
A Mass may be requested for you and your specific prayer intention in order to glorify God, to make reparation for the living or deceased, to make prayerful request for temporal and/or spiritual needs. Other special intentions may include: Employment, Family Relations, Spiritual Bouquet for Birthdays, Name Days & Anniversaries; Health, Healing, Successful Surgery & Recovery; Military Personnel; Peace and Conflict Resolution; Personal/Special Intentions; Religious Vocations; Souls in Purgatory; In Thanksgiving; For the Poor and Marginalized.
We are honored to pray with you for your intention during the liturgy. The Mass will be celebrated by our Pauline priests. Your offering supports our apostolate.
Single Mass
You may request a Single Mass to be said for you and for your intention, for a living or deceased person by completing a request form and submitting an offering online.
The suggested offering is $15 USD for each Mass.
Triduum of Masses
On three (3) successive days, a Mass will be offered for you and your specific prayer intention. Each Triduum of Masses is reminiscent of the Biblical three days that Christ spent in the tomb.
The suggested offering is $30 USD for each Triduum of Masses.
Novena of Masses
On nine (9) successive days, a Mass will be offered for you and your special prayer intention. Each Novena of Masses is reminiscent of the nine days Mary and the disciples spent together in prayer between Ascension and Pentecost.
The suggested offering is $90 USD for a Novena of Masses.
Gregorian Masses
On thirty (30) consecutive days, a Mass will be offered for the soul of one and the same deceased person. The same priest need not celebrate all the Masses nor must they be said at the same altar. More than one series may be offered for a specific person, but not at the same time.
The suggested offering is $300 USD for each request of Gregorian Masses.
St. Paul Cooperators Perpetual Mass Association
Enrollment for a membership in St. Paul Cooperators Perpetual Mass Association provides a share in graces granted to the Members of the Society of St. Paul, including remembering collectively all members, both living and deceased, in six (6) daily Masses offered, (equivalent to 2,190 Masses a year, given 6 daily Masses times 365 days) with no expiration of membership, meaning in perpetuity. The names of those being remembered are not announced individually.
The suggested offering is $30 USD for each enrollment to St. Paul Cooperators Perpetual Mass Association.